Life and Mission

Thrive Without Striving - Interview with Matt Ham

Matt Ham Episode 32

Matt Ham left a 10 year career in insurance sales to start YouPrint, a faith and personal development organization, and its nonprofit initiative called the Life Center. In this interview, Matt offers perspective on how we can thrive without striving. 

[Matt 00:00:58] "Unfortunately we place our own understanding and expectations on how things should work out and it never works out that way. One of the greatest mistakes that we make is limiting God by our own understanding."

YouPrint is positioned as executive coaching, mentoring, community, and discipleship between Sundays. The philanthropic side of The Life Center is about removing obstacles, with the message "God loves you and he cares about you and he desires genuine relationship with you. And He created you for such a time as this. And we're here to walk with you."

"The Life Center is actually going to be a campus style facility where it will literally be a launch pad for entrepreneurial kingdom minded endeavors. It's a vision from the Lord that we are faithfully following out."

The Desires of Your Heart
God gives to you from His Spirit, and your heart is where those desires dwell. "It's like seeds of his genius that he planted in your heart. And you feel them or perceive them through your desires...He says, I will give you the desires of your heart in exchange for your will. You give me your will. And I will give you the desires of your heart. That's it. That's the offer. That's the offer of faith. Delight yourself in the Lord. What does that mean? That means surrender your will. Yield to him. Trust in him. Abide in him. You know, it's all throughout scripture. Who did this the best? Jesus."

"What are you busy with doing in your life? Are you busy with protecting and building your own reputation, or are you more concerned and busy with living underneath the reputation of God and his provision and his literal desires to give you the desires of your heart so that you can change the world for his glory? That's why we do what we do."

Investing in People
"People are the best investment that you can make. Period. Investing in people is the best investment that you can make." Just as Jesus encountered each person in a different way, so must we. What are the gifts God has placed inside that person? Can we see the potential and not just the circumstance?

Being the Church
"The church is the body of believers. That is not confined to Sundays. It's not confined to buildings." That includes entrepreneurism. God has called people into business and into all kinds of roles in society. "We need a people who are infused into those cultures and become literally evangelists in those pockets...God will clarify the call as you yield and surrender to him...The process of discipleship is to get people to that place because that is the most effective way to spread the kingdom."

But How?
Matt says we come to that place of knowing who we really are, and fulfilling our purpose starts with a post

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